진보넷 장여경입니다.음. 관련이 있으실지는 잘 모르겠는데,미국에서 보편적서비스-퍼블릭어세스-정보격차 분야의 정보운동에 가장 열심히활동해온 BENTON 재단이 어떻게.us 도메인과 정보격차퇴치 운동을 연계시키고 있는지를 참고할 수 있는괜챦은 자료 같아서…그럼… 안녕히 계세요—– Original Message —–From: “Kevin Taglang” To: Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2000 3:46 AMSubject: Digital Opportunity TrustDear Colleague:The Benton Foundation is looking for your support and input on an importantproject that could help narrow the digital divide in a new and innovativeway. With legal assistance from the Media Access Project (MAP) we areexploring the opportunities for managing the .us domain space for thebenefit of all U.S. citizens, especially those on the wrong side of thedigital divide. The Benton Foundation believes that the .us domain space isa public resource that should be utilized to help bridge the digital divide.In order to make the .us space more valuable and attractive for commercialdevelopment and public interest use, we are proposing to improve how thespace is administered and used. Furthermore, we are proposing to set up aDigital Opportunity Trust (DOT), financed through auctioning of the .us toplevel domain space and sponsorships, that will invest in projects enablingthe widest possible participation and access to information andcommunications technologies. (For a brief overview of the project, pleaseread “The DOT in .US,” http://www.benton.org/Policy/US/thedot.html).The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) hasput out a request for comments(http://www.ntia.doc.gov/ntiahome/domainname/usrfc2/dotusrfc2.htm) with an**October 6** deadline, asking for input on a draft statement of work thatis expected to be incorporated into a request for proposals for managementand administration of the .us domain space. Benton believes that theexisting NTIA request for comments on this issue misses an excellentopportunity to take advantage of the public .us domain space creatively toadvance the goal of universal access and participation in our networkedsociety. On behalf of Benton, MAP has drafted “Principles for Management ofthe .us Namespace” (http://www.benton.org/Policy/US/principles.html) whichoutlines a broader vision of the .us domain space as a public resource thatshould be utilized for the benefit of all U.S. citizens.We need your help on this matter. We would like to file the principlesjointly with your organization and other interested parties working tonarrow the digital divide. For information on how to sign on and how toprovide input, please contact the Benton Foundation’s Katharina Kopp atkk@benton.org or 202-638 5770 or MAP’s Harold Feld at hfeld@mediaaccess.orgor at 202-454 5684.**The deadline for signing on to the principles is September 29, 2000.**Katharina Kopp, Ph.D. voice: 202-638 5770Senior Associate fax: 202-638 5771The Benton Foundation e-mail: kk@benton.org950 18th Street, NW http://www.benton.orgWashington, DC 20006*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*To subscribe to the Benton Communications-Related Headlines,send email to: listserv@cdinet.comIn the body of the message, type only:subscribe benton-compolicy YourFirstName YourLastNameTo unsubscribe, send email to:listserv@cdinet.comIn the body of the message, type only:signoff benton-compolicyIf you have any problems with the service, please direct them tobenton@benton.org첨부 파일과거 URLhttp://www.ipleft.or.kr/bbs/view.php?board=ipleft_5&id=69